Siding and Framing Replacement

Chemical Plant, Beulah ND
ICI provided services to an existing chemical plant to replace the secondary framing and siding on a critical process building. This is a 4 phase project being completed in a 4-year span (2015, 2017, 2018 & 2019). During phase one the following work was completed:
- Remove the existing fiberglass siding/roofing systems and replace them with 15,000 SF of 26 gauge insulated wall panels, as well as replacing 460 SF of insulated roof panels. All of the new insulated sandwich pane siding materials are comprised of a 26 gauge carbon steel exterior skin and a 26 gauge 316 stainless steel interior liner skin.
- Demo the existing secondary framing carbon steel girts and replace with 35 tons of new 316 stainless steel girts
- Demo existing carbon steel sag rods and replace with new stainless steel sag rods
- Demo seven existing louvers and replace with new stainless steel louvers
- Demo 3 walk doors and 2 overhead doors and replace with 3 new stainless steel sliding doors and 2 new high speed overhead roll-up doors
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